Future Now
Presidential Election
Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
Election High/Low Lights, Fav Propositions, Planet of the Mice, ISS Voting, Dwarf 3 new giant among amateur astrophotographers/UAP Hunters, Fun with new AI Agent, NASA Lunar South Pole Landing Sites Chosen
Given where we are, how could we not have our version of an election show? Well, we did include some election stories, but with results (from the future, of course!) And a talkative AI to help us with the finer points. And a story on how the astronauts on the ISS got their votes in on time, without resorting to paper ballots!
The Dwarf 3, the world’s smallest smartest telescope so far!
Also highlighted this week is our AI ‘Larry and Mary” story on stem cell hybridization of our species; also a look at the Dwarf 3, a $500 smart telescope that blew us away with it’s portability and quality shooting of the cosmos, and a look at NASA’s choice of Lunar South Pole landing spots for the manned Artemis III mission coming up in a few years. Enjoy!
Artemis III Moon Landing Regions
Tuesday Aug 20, 2024
Tuesday Aug 20, 2024
E 76
Molecule Reverses Alzheimer's, Guardrail Free Grok-2 AI Imagery, Psyche Rust, Analyst Ryan Sarnataro on RFK Jr. impact on Presidential Election, PLUS VACAY Bonus Mix Show
N:OW Sunday, August 18, 2024
We are briefly back in town, before heading to Maui for a couple of weeks, enough to produce one local show! If the molecule DDL-920 works for humans as well as mice, beyond slowing cognitive decline it may actually restore memories! I you are excited about creating imagery with AI, consider the new Grok-2 image generator, which has far fewer restriction on what you can create than just about every other offering in the field. And in Space News, it would appear that our super valuable metal asteroid, 16 Psyche is rusting, WTF?
Our guest, local RFK Jr. supporter Ryan Sarnataro discusses the upcoming presidential election with us, and helps us understand how RFK Jr. is still relevant in the race, especially in his ability to affect Trump supporters. It has also been said that he has so many skeletons in the closet that if they could all come out and vote, he’d win the election! We look at some of those skeletons as well as the core issues in this scintillating political discussion with Ryan, Bobby, and us. Enjoy!
BONUS VACAY EPISODE: Best of the Futures - Interview Excerpts 1.0
N:OW Sunday, August 11, 2024
Listen Now to The Best of the Futures - Interview Excerpts 1.0
For this podcast we are excited to share with you some of our favorite people we have met over the 15 years of our show, audio clips from our Media Time Machine - Serendipitous choices for this podcast include Pharmacist Ben Fuchs, Psychic story maven Penny Kelly, Physicist Nick Herbert, Visionary Humorist Carolyn Casey, Talk Show stimulator Colonel Terry Maxwell, Amanita shamaness Avi Esther, Cosmic Story Editor Nancy Griffith, Life Origins Scientist Bruce Damer, Doc Tom Yarema, Accidental psychic Richard Marriot
Instead of replaying full live shows, we are taking clips of our various guests and combining them with outtakes of others to create a dynamic interplay of thoughts and ideas that are quite engaging and relevant to what’s happening now. Enjoy and you’ll hear from us in the future!
Episode 76 Show Links August 20, 2024