Future Now
Tuesday Nov 26, 2024
Tuesday Nov 26, 2024
N:OW Thursday, November 28, 2024
Listen to 89 Future Now
Welcome to our Thanksgiving week podcast. We are on the road to Santa Fe to visit family for Thanksgiving, but at the last minute we were able to create this week’s offerings.
Exciting times ahead in exploring Saturn’s moon Titan with a car sized rotocopter, and back on Earth a new drone based on a raptor is flying! Cybertrucks have recalled 6 times now, but this doesn’t seem to phase buyers. Why not? Well, we tell you the surprising answer!
And for the stress of the holidays, don’t forget the Cocoa, which has many benefits, including stress reduction. But beware, fat cells have memory, especially after a diet, and tend to want to regain their happy fat status! And nostalgically, the classic SciFi film, ‘Forbidden Planet,’ is finally being remade with modern special fx, etc. Oh boy, the ancient ones known as the Krell are rising once again! Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! Stuffing in a can. Press the button, and Thanksgiving Dinner just got a whole lot easier!
Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
Election High/Low Lights, Fav Propositions, Planet of the Mice, ISS Voting, Dwarf 3 new giant among amateur astrophotographers/UAP Hunters, Fun with new AI Agent, NASA Lunar South Pole Landing Sites Chosen
Given where we are, how could we not have our version of an election show? Well, we did include some election stories, but with results (from the future, of course!) And a talkative AI to help us with the finer points. And a story on how the astronauts on the ISS got their votes in on time, without resorting to paper ballots!
The Dwarf 3, the world’s smallest smartest telescope so far!
Also highlighted this week is our AI ‘Larry and Mary” story on stem cell hybridization of our species; also a look at the Dwarf 3, a $500 smart telescope that blew us away with it’s portability and quality shooting of the cosmos, and a look at NASA’s choice of Lunar South Pole landing spots for the manned Artemis III mission coming up in a few years. Enjoy!
Artemis III Moon Landing Regions